Monday, March 28, 2011


Eli's skipping his nap today on a trial basis only. We've been putting him to bed at the usual time (8:00ish) and he manages to stretch out the bedtime routines for a full 45 minutes or more (books, warm milk, snuggles, multiple hugs and kisses, more warm milk etc, etc). Still not tired, we hear him wandering around upstairs. Two nights ago, he got into my nail polish (I intervened before that became too disasterous), and this morning I found fresh marker drawings on the upstairs bathroom vanity. So, I'm going to try letting him skip his naps and moving up his bedtime by an hour and see how that goes. I could be in for a rough evening tonight. Meanwhile, Erich just called and told me that it cost him $135 to replace his passport (!!!!) Yikes! His old one got ruined in the wash. He was bummed because it had all of the stamps from the exotic places we'll probably never go to again (Egypt, Turkey, Belgium etc). I know that a passport is kind of a necessity when you live 20 minutes from the Canadian border. Notwithstanding that, I really hope we have a chance to actually USE the passport someday soon. Traveling is not nearly the priority it used to be, and I'm actually a lot less interested in flying around the world than I was in my younger days...BUT, I realized today that I haven't been out of the country in over 3 years. Not even to Canada or Mexico. That's a huge lifestyle change for somebody who has seen 33 countries in the span of less than 10 years. Another example of everything changing when kids come along...

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